150th Anniversary
During the month of November 2022, Vinings United Methodist Church will celebrate our 150th Anniversary. Organized on November 3, 1872, by several founding members of the Vinings community including, the Robinsons and Solomon Pace, Vinings UMC has been a source of worship in this community. Just as entering a warm home, Vinings UMC is a church which extends hospitality to our members, our community, and those who cross our paths even if only once. We have continued to grow in ministry expanding our reach outside of Vinings to include missions around the country and the globe. Much has transpired during the last 150 years, and we can all agree that God has been good. As a church family, we will celebrate this historic Anniversary by giving thanks and praise to God for the blessings received over these 150 years!
The theme for our celebration is “Still Connecting the Vine to the Community” and our theme scripture is Psalm 79:13. Our celebration includes a Day of Service, Saturday, November 12, 2022, and culminates with worship, Sunday, November 13, 2022, followed by fellowship. You are invited to join us in our celebration.

Vinings 150th Anniversary Keepsake Booklet
Part of our celebration will include a 150th Church Anniversary Keepsake Booklet. We would be most honored to include a Congratulatory or Memorial ad, or Patron contribution in our Keepsake Booklet from you, your church, your business or organization, your family, or your friends. Enclosed is a copy of our anniversary contribution agreement for the Keepsake Booklet. Please complete and return the materials by Wednesday, October 12, 2022. Click the form to download, complete and return to Vinings UMC. You can submit the form, your advertisement, and your payment electronically. For further information, please contact Sheila Douglas at